Not to long ago the Googlers set up a breakout EDU for the year seven and eights. ( The Googlers are a leadership team they do coding and all that. All the year eights are in a leadership group. I’m in PALS. PALS stands for. Physical Activity Leader. You would only know that if you read my first post.) If you don’t know what a breakout EDU is. It is when you are with a group of people, in a room and you have to try get out. To get out you must open a case, but the case has lots of locks on it. So there would be clues around the room that involved a story and the clues will help you unlock the locks you have a certain amount of time to do it in. In the breakout EDU for our group we had to do it in 45.00 minutes. We did it in 20 minutes which was really good and we got a prize. Some money in Banqer. ( Not really money, of course )
Have you ever been in a Breakout EDU?
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