We have been writing poems. I have written two poems one is when you have to read between the lines and the other one is a limerick. The one when you have to read between the lines is you have to read carefully because the person doesn't really tell you what is going on. So you have to kind of figure out what each line means. A limerick is a poem that has five lines and they have to be a little bit silly and the last words have to rhyme. But the third and fourth line do not rhyme with the second and first one but the third one and fourth one rhyme with each other. Then the 5th line and the word at the end rhymes with the one at the first and second line.
Here are my poems.
(Read between the lines)
Butterfly's explode
Butterfly's flutter inside the waiter.
Sound rips through the air.
Without waiting any more.
Sounds of deep rumbling go through the ground.
White spreads through the air as they are panting.
The sounds of cars wiz by.
The stopping sound is like a rhythm.
They go to the front but slowly come back down.
Some stay in the lead.
They lead the way.
Kids push past trying to get to them.
Soon kids start to fall behind, well others keep there place or take another's.
Cheers start to rise.
Swelling of joy ran through the kids.
There spirits were high, all there pain was gone as they reached near the line.
The lead kids were no longer seen.
But you could hear them cheering you on.
As you crossed the line the butterfly's exploded they were no longer.
( Limerick )
Splashing in the ocean breeze.
Where are, the busy bees.
Clip clop pop.
As the crabs hop.
Scattering, like knives to the open seas.
What is your favourite type of poem.