May the 18th was the day that my hub did the Caritas challenge.
We arrived to school in mufti, with our over night bags. Some of us was staying the night and other weren't, it was about half and half. We all put are over night bags in the break out space. After that we all called the roll we did Mass. I was one of the Altar Servers. After mass it was morning tea time.
When it was morning tea, I was playing a netball game with my friends ( I thing soccer is better ) and we got asked to carry some cardboard boxes. Not long after that it was time for us to go inside and eat. After eating, the hole school went to an assembly about bullying, we had a meeting with the city mission, he was talking to us about the homeless in our city and kids are age don't have a home.
Lunch time came fast. But it all so ended quick for me because I was in the sweat it group, for our second hand market. That people from our school gave in things they didn't want any more that we could still sell. The price that the things could be sold for is $1 $2 $3.
It took us a long time to sorter every thing out. By the time everyone else was doing the move it challenge. After we all set up it was time for the parents to come in. We had lots and loots of books to sell that were $1, there was some jewellery that was for a lucky dip for one dollar but that turn to be what ever you wanted to get, toys, broad games. We made about a bit over $100.
After the sweat it market we got told our groups, I was put in a group with my friends and we started to build our hut to stay the night in, Our hut was a triangle shape, for the door we made it like one of the cat flaps. We put are bags in our huts and got changed in to warmer cloths.
It was tea time, my Mum helped cook the rice we were having for tea. We got given one cup of rice to have for tea, just plane old rice. After tea we were getting ready to play some games, two of my friends had water polo, when the games started. The first game we had we go home stay home, that game was okay, we did hide and seak, last spot light.
After the games it was time to do the reflection of the day, it was a bit hard for me since I was tired, from the big day. By the time we got changed in to all our layers and put a thin yoga mat to sleep on it was 9:30, no time to chat. in our hut I was sleeping next to the door, Tamera had put this light up that said her name, so we could have light and see. When I was about to drop of to sleep two of my friends came back from water polo it took them a bit to set up there sleeping bags. in the night my feet were sticking out the door when I woke up in the morning. My back was all sore and I woke up a few times in the night.
In the morning we had bread with butter for breakfast. We smashed are boxes apart and mad a pile of them to go to the dump soon I went home and got ready to play soccer.
Me in the market. I'm the one in the blue shirt.
Me and my friends Hut.