Wednesday, September 25, 2019



Today I will talk about phishing. We learnt about phishing in cyber smart. It is when you get scammed and people steal your money. They type of scammers is when you get an email from a so called your bank saying for example click here to get five thousand dollars and when you click it you are transferring some money of your own to that scam. Other types are hacking, online dating, online shopping, threats to life, arrest or other and so many more. 

Image result for hacking

What do you think about this?

Main artefact for PBL

Hello everyone and today I will be sharing with you my main artefact for PBL. I have created a tree sanctuary out of clay. How this is supposed to help the earth is we take all the farms and make them into a tree sanctuary then we would plant healthy trees for the plant like the natural trees of New Zealand. The cows and other animals would be allowed to roam the place. This is supposed help because all the tree help get rid of the green house gases.

On my creation, there is a part where it is yellow and that is supposed to represent the drought. The idea I have is to take the extra water from the glaciers and water the drought slowly so it has time to sink in, we would water the ground at the coldest time.

Here it is.                                                                               

What do you think about the world today? 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PBL Sub Artefact

For PBL we have been doing our main artefact which is how you are going to solve the problem, but today I an sharing with you.......................................................................................................  My sub artefact which is basically explaining my main artefact, well that is what I did. I made two posters explaining two parts of my main artefact, they also had some ways of explaining what to do.
Here I will just show you.  

Invitation to see my Model

It's that time again, PBL show case, come if you want but I will be telling you about what I have done and what the rest is about, but for now here is my invitation.

What do you think about PBL?

PBL Plan

It's that time again if you ever read this you will know that I have been like posting like 5 blogs today, so you know I may be behind again but hey more blogs, any way on topic Today's blog is about PBL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So yay, well I am going to show you my plan of how we can save the world from over flowing and getting to hot. It has my question and my ideas. So I hope you like it because I am creating it, ( Not literally I mean yes but like a clay model of it.)

Enjoy reading the hole thing I mean you don't have to               

What are your idea to save the world ?

RE Sacraments advitise ment

Hello every one hope you are having a good day.

Today I will share with you what we have been doing for RE, we got to chose what sacrament ( For any of you that don't know what the sacraments are, Anointing of the sick, marriage, baptism,
 holy orders, holy communion , confirmation and reconciliation. ) we would want to it into a poster  or a play. We decided to do marriage and we were going to do a play but it kinda failed so she made a poster. It involved all of our research that we were going to put in to the play. Here it is.

Have you had any sacraments?

Science investigation

So not that long ago we had to go through four sessions about different things that involve science, then we had to do our own experiment, we could do it in a pair or by our selves. I was in a pair with Monique, and our question was.  
 If we do the same exercises ( Wall sits, star jumps, push ups, skipping, and plank)  each day will we be able to do more of it for longer, and hold it for longer?

Well I wouldn't say I did it every day but I still got a result it was really weird because me and Monique got different result. As Monique improved I didn't I kind of wavered, I mean I did improve but them I would go down again example, I could do 50 star jumps one day then next 80, then 50! I went down, the last and finale time I did 100. So I don't really now but I did improve on that.
Here are all the results.

Well this is what we could do at the start.

This is our progress.

Do you like doing experiments?

Helping Curtain Bank


Just recently at our hub we got to chose what company we could like to help out. There were 3 options of what you could do. Number 1 removing graffiti by painting over it. Number 2 Food bank, Food Bank is where you help the company order donated food into there pile. Number 3 Curtain Bank, where you put donated curtains and put them into packages.

The one I was put into was Curtain bank which was really fun to do, there was a huge pile of donated curtains and we had to try find pairs of each curtain, we measured to curtains and labelled them and put them in package's so people can buy them but they are free.

Have you ever volunteered before if so what for ?

Monday, September 23, 2019

Narrative completed


And Today I am shearing with you the finished story. Well I won't share it all with you because it's a couple pages long, but I can tell you the highlight of the story.

Every one in our hub had to write a story about the future and what the problems would be. I chose mine to be about Global warming and what would happen in the future. The story I wrote was about a young girl called Clara and she tries to think of ideas on how to save the world and for the world to be habitable for humans. But there is some really strange things going on, like for instance she uses a teleport to go to school, because no one can be bothered walking, well shes in it she feels like she is being ripped apart. There is a girl at school that seams to be afraid of every thing and one. In the end they solve the problem of heat and rising level of water by making ice cubs that can not melt. 

Do you like writing stories?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Thursday sport

Sup everybody!
So in winter every year we have winter sport, this year I am playing football ( Or soccer) here is an update of how our team went. We won a couple of our games about three or more, but on our very last game of the session we won the game, so we were all pretty proud of our selves, we came third in our division. Our coach Emma was really fun and good to have, but she always brung lollies to the games and was very supportive. 

Image result for soccer

What sport did you or are you playing ?

Writing Narrative about the future


Lately our teachers got us to right a story about the future and what the problem would be, first we would have to do a plan about what the problem would be, and how the characters would solve it. How new problems would come and new ways to solve the problem. 

My plan had a whole lot more to it but I don't want to show you it because it will probably bore you but lets say not all of my plan made it into the real story.

Do you like writing?

Reading task

Hello every one

I have been looking at my reading task and recently we have been reading a novel that we choice to read, we had a limited section but there was a lot of books, we got to read the first few pages of the book, then when you had read about five books of the first couple pages, you rank those books from 1 to 5, my top choice was You've Got Gut's Kenny Melrose and I got to read it, I have finished the book and I really enjoyed it, then we would have to create a reading slide about that, but I will tell you guys about that another time.

Do you guys like to read?

what type of books?

Friday, September 13, 2019

Novel study slides


So on one of my earlier post I said about a bit of my novel and it was called You've Got Gut's Kenny Melrose well now it is time for me to share my slides hope fully it will give you a bit of information about the book. In the slide I answered questions like where was the book set what problems did the character have, what do the characters look like and we got a chance to do a D.L.O, the means a Digital Learning Object, so I created a slide about the main points that happened in the story, so here it is. Enjoy.

Do you like reading?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Maths is good for you ?


I am a Stanford student in america, that's right, well digitally so I m basically telling the truth. Are teacher put as on a course for Stanford, the course was all about maths, but not in they way you would think so.

The teachers made are hub ( or class) to the course every Monday before tech. One of the things I found interesting was that they went around and asked people if they liked maths, a lot of people said they didn't like maths. I also learnt that maths is really good for you because your brain grows. You may think it is good to get questions right all the time,  wrong well it would be cool but they said it was good to get questions wrong and you can learn how to fix it and that is how your brain grows. You need to have a positive mindset so you can believe you can grow and get better and learn new things.

 So what do you think about it? Image result for Stanford

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Science Testing heart rate.

We have been doing a little bit of science this term once a week. We do a rotation so each week we change the experiment.

For the first experiment was building a bridge, out of popsicle sticks, tape and paper, we only had limited items. First we had to search up strong bridges and, then we had to chose one how we would make it. We found out that the strongest bridges in the world were triangles one.

 We  did one about matter with an ice cube. So we had an ice cube floating in the water then when the ice cube melted to see if the water had risen.

 The third thing I did was testing out heart rate. I always wanted to know how you test your heart rate. I always wondered how people could tell there heart rate and they would always do some thing with there wrist, but I learned a different way. Yes that right you don't have to waste you time fiddling around with your wrist, because all you do is take to fingers and press them against your neck just under your jaw bone, it is really cool to hear your heart beat, if you can't find it maybe try a little higher. Count your heart beats while you have a ten seconds timer going on at the same time. When the timer has reached ten stop counting, then time your beats by 6, example, 6 times 12 = 72  and there's your answer.

Do you like science?
Do you want to do it as a job?
Do you do it for a job?