Today I was excited to go on to the bus that was awaiting for the next three days of fun and tiredness. I walked on to the bus all excited. My Hub have been waiting a long to to go to the Koru games. The PALS have been doing sausage sizzle to raise up money to go to the Kour games. The Bus was a caterpillar bus, it is very big, it is the bus people travel on to far places. I was sitting next to my friend as we all were getting ready to play soccer together. They were all excited because they had never played soccer before. I was the only one in the team that had. The team I was in, was a girls team, there was two other teams that were boy team.
When we arrived to the opening of the Koru games, we sat down on a netball court with all the other schools that where there. The people that run the Koru games introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to the games. They had some people there that were athletes and one was from Australia, they all did a little speech about how they became athletes. Then they announced that the Koru games will begin. We went back on to the bus and we went to where the games where being held.
When we arrived to where we are playing we went to are field where we would be playing in an half an hour time. Our helper was a girl named Maddie, she helped us get around and find our fields to play on and do drills with us.
Our first game we were versing Cashmere. I was playing in defence and are goal keeper was Samantha. We did a good job at defence and we had a few close calls. On attack we got the ball up sometimes. The end of that game we tied nile all. We were all pretty tired and we had two more games to go for that day.
On the next day we arrived and we played well we lost all of these games then we vs Cashmere again and we still tied nil all but they were really close to getting a goal. It was getting hotter each day and we all were getting really tired.
Then on the last day of the games, we came close to winning some of our games.
But then we had to vs Cashmere for the third time to get ninth place, we all played hard and our goalkeeper was Roza and she did some good saves and was brilliant.
No one could score so it went down to penalties. I did rock paper scissors with there captain I won so we decided to take the first shot. I was up first, I was nervous that I would miss. I took my chances and I swung my foot, I thought I had missed, but the goalkeeper failed to save it. Then it was Cashmere they shot but Roza deflected it.
Cashmere couldn’t score against our goalkeeper, Roza.
Later on it was two goals to us and they had none. So if Samantha scores we win the game. Samantha shot and it almost hit the top post and went in. We were all happy that we had won our first game and our last.
Those three day at Koru games was a lot of fun I hope my school can do it again.