Hello, I'm back from my school holidays. I hope you have had a good one.
For this blog today I will tell you about PBL for this term. We are learning about discrimination and what it is about. If you don't know what it is I will tell you. Discrimination is made up with all kinds of things, like being sexist or racist and ageist plus a whole lot more. It is when people discriminate them for being a girl like they can't sit on the chairs and the boys can. ( That is being sexsisit )
The teachers have given us a project to do and finish it by the end of this term. We have to choose a topic about discrimination and how we will try to stop it, inform people of what it is and when it is happening, we will also present it in front of people. Our choices to present it is Ted talk, Speech, Poetry slam and Drama. I think that I will do a Ted talk on sexsisim.
They are all so trying to teach us to be aware when discrimination is happening and to help those people that are being affected by it. We also got to experience what it is like.
I think that discrimination should stop as it is not a good thing to do to people. I think most people aren't aware when it is happening so we should try our best to help these people that are in need. But those who are should be brave enough to stand up.
What do you think about discrimination?